Odilia Bridal Blog - Ideas to organize your wedding

Las 7 cosas que debes llevar a la prueba del vestido de novia
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  • Article author: Odilia García
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The 7 things you should bring to the wedding dress fitting
The 7 things you should bring to the wedding dress fitting After the choice of your wedding dress, the dress fittings come, to give it the last touches and that you are perfect with it. Long but wonderful wait in which you have to have some small considerations before going, and here we tell you what you have to take into account to wear the day of your wedding dress fitting. Many of you ask me what is necessary to take to the wedding dress test , and although not all are aware, it is one of the most important moments during the wedding process, since It depends on this that your bridal look is the most perfect for you and reflects who you are in essence , since that is how you will finally see yourself on your wedding day and you have to go with the accessories that make you excited and see yourself. totally you on your big day. It is also important to decide who is going to be the person who is going to accompany you to the dress fitting , for example, go with your mother, sisters or your best friend... since the emotional support that you are going to need at that moment is very strong! The wedding is approaching and everything becomes very real! Besides This person is the one who has to take charge of bringing a pen and notebook to write down all the changes in the dress, since you have to review together that they have been carried out for the next test. So, Prepare your suitcase, here is the list of accessories to take to your dress fitting: The shoes : For the first test of the dress you already have to have chosen the shoes you will wear for your big day ! Make sure they are comfortable, like the ones on our collection of shoes , in addition to being the same color as your wedding dress , like ours (unless you wear colored ones). The height of the heels will be decisive for the seamstress to put on the length of your dress, walk with them, sit down, try them on as if it were your big day. Underwear : remember to bring the bra and the panties that you will wear on your wedding day , it is better that you try on the dress with the panties and the bra, so you can see how it will look and if you need to make any changes, in case mark or protrude from the dress. It is also important that you think about whether you are going to wear stockings, and take them if that is the case. Makeup and hairstyle : or the closest thing to the look you will wear at the wedding if possible, go makeup and hairstyle as you would on your wedding day! Or at least with the hairstyle picked up by you, so take hairpins, clips and a ponytail holder, along with your makeup, since at that moment you can get an idea of ​​how your hair will look on your wedding day. Wedding veil : it is important that from the first try on you know if you are going to wear a veil , or so at least on the first try on, wear the wedding dress with a veil that they have in the store. Normally they do not have many models, so try the ones they have in the store and then you can choose from our wonderful collection of bridal veils that we have, whether you choose long or short, it is essential that you get an idea with one on and ask What size would be the ideal for your dress. Cancan for wedding dress : although many do not give importance to it, the cancan that they usually sell in bridal shops is not usually the right one for everyone, since they always put the same one. I recommend that you ask for second opinions so that they support you with the choice of it, and that you decide with what width of cancan you will be happy that your dress fits . If you have doubts, we can advise you with the choice of your cancan both through chat and WhatsApp. Bridal accessories : It is also super important that you bring all the accessories that you planned to wear on your B-day, both earrings and choker or only earrings , tiara , headband or headdress and decide if you will wear a bracelet . Camera or mobile that takes good photos! Remember to take photos with the dress and all the accessories you want to wear; and test some looks without the things that make you doubt, so you can finish making up your mind at home while you see the photos.  I would recommend that at the very moment of the test you finish deciding on everything you want to wear on your wedding day. Do not stay with the doubts, ask and comment on all your concerns, it is time to refine details, and there will be no other opportunity to stop them from doing it with time , so be afraid and talk openly about what you feel regarding each detail. Finally, it is important that before going to the test , you visualize how you really want to see yourself, close your eyes and see if you are wearing a veil, tiara or a headdress, how are the earrings, hairstyle, makeup... so that at least, you get an idea of ​​how you would like to see yourself on your big day ; This way it will be easier for you to get an idea of ​​what you want to take to your dress fitting. Think that the more it resembles the final look that you will wear on the big day, the better! You just have to relax and enjoy that day! Here we leave you the checklist with the 7 accessories that you should take to your dress test!
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Tiaras de novia 2023, no solo para las ‘Princess Bride’
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  • Article author: Joan Jordi Vall-llobera Auladell
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Tiaras de novia 2023, no solo para las ‘Princess Bride’
·Coronas y tiaras de novia 2023 De entre los complementos de novia más destacados este 2023 están los accesorios para el pelo, y las reinas de todas son las Tiaras de Novia! ·Tiaras estilo princesa Como bien sabéis, las tiaras son complementos de novia perfectos para las novias estilo princesa; y ha sido una tendencia que en los últimos años ha revivido. Todas soñamos con los finales felices de los cuentos Disney y queremos vernos como una verdadera reina el día de nuestra boda, por eso y porque es el único día en el que podemos usar, sin excusas, una joya tan preciosa como lo es una Tiara.                                          Princesa de Asturias       Tiara de novia Bélgica ·Tiara estilo minimalista Para las novias de estilo minimalista, también es indicado este look royal, gracias al glamour que puede aportar una tiara al vestido de corte recto o imperio, que le aportan un equilibrio perfecto a tu look de novia.                                                            Inbal Dror              Tiara de novia Hannover              Inbal Dror ·Tiaras estilo grunge Además, el hecho de que las tiaras de novia solo las puedan llevar las novias estilo princesa, no es una regla inquebrantable; ya quedó atrás ese prejuicio y ahora todo tipo de novias puede adaptar esta maravillosa joya en su bridal look, sobre todo para las novias que no quieran ser princesa, las más transgresoras! Nuestras tiaras se pueden usar con el estilo de las tiaras grunge de la casa Yves Saint Laurent que como afirmaron desde Twitter: “las tiaras grunge quedan bien con cualquier cosa”.    ·Colección de tiaras de novia 2023 de Odilia Bridal En nuestra Colección de Tiaras de Novia 2023, podéis elegir tiaras para todos los gustos, con los mejores materiales y de alta calidad escogidas cuidadosamente por nuestras asesoras. Puedes combinarla con todos los estilos de novia.                                                       Tiara de novia Valladolid                                                              Tiara de novia Nizam Pronto traeremos novedades a nuestra tienda de complementos de novia, ¿queréis recibir nuestras noticias? Te invito a suscribirte al Blog de Odilia para ir viendo los nuevos productos que vamos a traer. Y tú, ¿llevarás tiara el día de tu boda para completar tu look de novia? ¡Os mando mucho Amor! Odilia ❤
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6 consejos que te hubiera gustado saber, para el día de tu boda
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  • Article author: Odilia Pamela García
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6 consejos que te hubiera gustado saber, para el día de tu boda
6 Consejos de una casada para tu día B 6 cosas que toda casada te recomendaría Es el día con el que has estado soñando desde pequeña, tu día perfecto; todo un año de preparación, varias pruebas de vestido, visita a proveedores para coordinar horarios, tu manicura, las flores, tu peinado ideal... Pero hay cosas que sólo las que ya se han casado te pueden y deberían aconsejar, pero no se acuerdan y no lo hacen. Por eso escribo este post, para las que se van a casar, darles algunas ideas de cómo cubrir esas cosas que luego pensarás que podrías haber realizado en tu boda, aun cuándo haya salido perfecta. Llega el día de la boda y entran los nervios, cómo saldrá todo, ¿será como me lo había estado imaginando? La respuesta es SÍ, tranquila, todo será mejor de lo que te esperas, y sino, ya está hecho. Consejo 1: Relax a tope Ha llegado tu día, y todo lo que has hecho o no hasta hoy, es lo perfecto, olvídate si falta un globito por aquí, si te olvidaste las orquillas de perlitas o de que te faltaron más pruebas de peinado, todo eso ya está solucionado, porque, como dice mi padre: "Hijita, problemas que no tienen solución, RESUELTOS ESTÁN" :) Esta frase te irá genial ese día y si quieres puedes escribirtelo en el móvil para recordarlo. ¡Disfruta ese día desde que te levantes, yo lo hice así y lo recuerdo super feliz! Consejo 2: ¡Desayuna como la reina que eres! Olvídate de no comer, es el principal error, cómete todo lo que te apetezca en el desayuno, como si es el típico desayuno americano, huevo frito, tostadas con mermelada, un bocadillo... ¡Lo que te apetezca! Hazte tu desayuno ideal, ya que luego, durante la boda, te olvidarás de comer o no te entrará nada.   De hecho te aconsejo que disfrutes de la comida de tu boda, el día de la prueba de menú, ya que será probablemente el único día que disfrutarás de verdad. Yo, en mi día B, sólo probé algunos aperitivos que me trajo el Metre y luego no pude comer nada más! Las ganas de hablar y estar con la gente te harán olvidar de tus necesidades vitales! También no te olvides de hidratarte, sobretodo si lo haces en verano. Consejo 3: ¡Bendito cancán! Es el momento de ponerte el vestido, pero, sea del corte que sea, te recomiendo que para no tropezar como muchas novias ya lo han hecho, llevar cancán, por eso debes elegir el adecuado para tu vestido, no sólo el que tu creas sino que te recomiendo que practiques, aunque sea un poco en tus pruebas de vestido, para que veas cómo actuará el cancán, ya que muchas veces en las tiendas te hacen probártelo con cancanes blandengues que luego el día de la boda, son los que te hacen tropezar, por ello pregúntanos cuál es el mejor para tu vestido, todo sin compromiso. Verás más variedad en el siguiente enlace: Cancánes de novia Odilia Bridal TIP: Si aún así, notas que el día de la boda estás medio pisándolo, ya que no hay remedio en ese momento, debes dar pequeñas patadas mientras vas caminando, ese pequeño truco me salvó a mi de más de un aterrizaje forzoso... jajaja Consejo 4: No te olvides de los segundos zapatos Aún cuando todas nos encante los zapatos de tacón, no nos olvidemos que es de agradecer traer otros de cuña por si acaso, ya que hay algunas que no tienen ese problema y no les importa, pero a determinada hora el pié también se cansa, por lo que otro zapato, con cuña, o tipo bailarina o el simple hecho de cambiarte de zapato, el pie ya descansa; a no ser que tu zapato sea de la marca Perfect que llevan un acolchado extra para que el pie ya descanse. Ver más Zapatos de novia en el siguiente enlace: Zapatos de novia Perfect Y recuerda que es tu boda, tu gran día, en el que tienes que disfrutar al máximo cada momento, y no dejarás de hacerlo por que tus zapatos bien elegidos lo aguantarán todo. Consejo 5: ¿Más o menos fotos con tu ya marido? Las fotos ese día son muy importantes, ya que serán el recuerdo que tendrás toda la vida, junto con el vídeo, pero dependiendo de si tienes contratado el servicio de post o pre boda con el fotógrafo, no hagas la sesión de fotos muy larga, ya que te perderás todo el aperitivo, y es maravilloso poder hablar un poco con todos los invitados. Consejo 6: Pon una GoPro Sí, además de contratar el servicio del fotógrafo y vídeo, a la hora que ellos se van, sólo quedan algunos haciendo fotos y algún que otro vídeo; y ése momento es en el que más disfrutas y NADIE LO ESTÁ GRABANDO!!! Esta idea se le ocurrió a mi marido la mañana siguiente de la boda, se levantó y tuvo una epifanía: "teníamos que haber puesto una GoPro que grabara todo el rato", ya que hay detalles que sólo lo podrás ver ahí como: cuándo tu primo liga con la prima de tu marido, quién estaba pasándolo en grande, quienes estaban de cotilleo... jajaja lo podrás ver todo! Siempre hay algún amigo tuyo que tiene una GoPro, y que te la preste para ese día. Sobretodo ponedla en un sitio alto, será maravilloso y divertido luego ver toda la fiesta. Estos son algunos de mis consejitos que me hubiera gustado saber para el día de mi boda, por ello os cuento de mi experiencia, quizá os guste alguna, o quizá con estas se os ocurran más, de cualquier forma si se os ocurren más cosas, tanto a las prometidas como a las ya casadas, os invito a que pongáis y hagamos un recopilatorio de cosas que haríais en la boda. Aun así, mi boda fue maravillosa, todo un sueño, gracias a todos nuestros amigos y familiares, y sobretodo a mi amor, que fue el primer implicado en todo! ¡Ánimo con los preparativos, pero sobretodo acordaros de disfrutar de vuestra boda! Con mucho amor, Odilia ❤ 
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10 peinados de novia con velo para tu boda
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10 bridal hairstyles with a veil for your wedding
Wedding hairstyles with a veil are the concern of the girls when the big day approaches, since we all want to see ourselves and look perfect with all the accessories that we are going to wear. If you have chosen to wear a bridal veil to the altar, at Odilia Bridal we want to help you find the perfect hairstyle for you. With these bridal hairstyles with a veil that we recommend, you can be inspired to wear one or create your own. Bridal hairstyles with a veil. What veil to choose? No matter what wedding hairstyles with veil you decide to wear on your wedding day, we assure you that the correct choice of veil will make you look great. What matters is that you know where you are going to insert the veil, that is, that you can place it on the head like a mantilla or behind or even below the neck. Of course, some wedding hairstyles with a veil will look better, with a veil or with another in particular: If you are going to wear high bridal updos with a veil , the ideal is to leave your neck free; For this we recommend that you wear a cage or shoulder veil, they are the most suitable for this type of up-do. If you are a bride with a wide forehead and do not wear bangs, what is best for you is to wear a Juliet veil, since they are capable of creating a perfect look on the face, so do not hesitate to wear it. For girls who want and like more elaborate wedding hairstyles with a veil or simply want to let their hair shine that day, they can choose a transparent or super fine veil, which you can also place under the hairstyle, to May you be one of those brides with loose hair and a veil . Most of the wedding hairstyles with a veil can be worked without any problem, in addition, the taste of the bride should always prevail, but if you have any doubts about the wedding hairstyles with a veil that are in trend, do not hesitate to Ask the experts in this sector. The 10 best wedding hairstyles with a veil There are plenty of veil wedding hairstyles that look great with any type of dress or accessory. Ideally, you can have a hairstyle for your wedding where you can wear the veil comfortably from the ceremony to the dance. Let's see some of the best wedding hairstyles with veils that we have selected for you: 1. Short curly hair with flower Sophisticated yet simple veiled wedding hairstyle for girls with shorter hair. It may be that you have curly or straight hair, that does not matter, because you can achieve this look by creating some waves in your hair and fixing them with hairspray or mousse. In this case, we are going to place the part of the hair to one side, and you should make a hairstyle collected with a veil ; the part that is shorter in the area behind the ear and the longest we let it fall on one side in a very subtle way. This hairstyle for elegant brides with a veil can be combined with long veils , placing them on the top of the head, so that the flower can be seen. 2. Wavy High Bun The most classic veiled hairstyle , but it is still elegant. When creating a high bridal chignon with a crown-length veil , the veil can be tucked underneath. For this is a hairstyle for brides with a long veil , which you can remove during the party if you wish. I suggest that you let some wavy locks fall on both sides of the face to balance the face. 3. Side curls The short veil can also be worn with these bridal hairstyles. If we use a cage-type veil and leave the hair loose with a little collected towards the opposite lake, we will have a spectacular look. If you wear bangs you should not use this option. 4. Simple semi-collected You don't want to wear a formal updo, but you don't want your hair loose either, what can you do? You can wear a semi-collected for brides with a veil ; in which you must make a side parting and a small bouffant in the upper area and then join some strands in the back area that goes just below the veil. This veil hairstyle can be used regardless of the length of your hair and with both short and long veils. Also, it looks very fresh and natural. 5. Loose hair No matter the length of your hair, you can wear it loose and wear a long veil and look spectacular. You can make a parting in the middle, place it to the side, using a hairstyle with a tiara as a bridal accessory. If you give it volume with waves, the result will be more elegant. 6. Compact Low Bun It can be used with or without a part, with this hairstyle you can place the veil below so that it comes out of the nape of the neck, or that it goes over the hairstyle. Either way it will look great. In bridal bows with a veil, the stripe is optional, you can take it to one side, in the middle or simply not use it. 7. Pigtail There are several ways to wear a ponytail, so do not think that this cannot be a good option for a wedding hairstyle with a veil . If you wear it high, you can place the veil so that it comes out on both sides; In the event that you decide to wear a lower ponytail, you can place the veil over the hairstyle. This alternative for brides with a ponytail and veil is ideal if you are going to wear headbands, flowers, hairpins or some bridal jewelry that you want to highlight. 8.Vintage The hairstyle of the divas of the 50`s. All you have to do is wear side bangs and loose waves. It is quite simple but full of glamour, which you can wear with a short veil, but do not place it towards the face, but rather behind the ear. It can be used by girls with short or long hair. 9. Braided updo Braids are very versatile alternatives to hairstyles for brides with a veil . You can combine a bouffant in the upper area, let a few locks fall to the face carelessly and the braids go to the side to collect the hair. We can place some flowers on this braid for brides . If you close the hairstyle with a hidden bun, you can place the tulle veil so that it expands over the shoulders. 10. Updo integrated with the veil One of the most popular hairstyles for brides is to integrate the veil with the hair updo, in this way we adapt it to the head and secure it around the bow. For this type of wedding hairstyle with a veil, a very fine veil should be used so that you do not have weight in the updo. Here the idea is that you place the hair towards the back area, pick up a lower bun but leaving it with volume. It would be perfect to place a veil with rhinestones. There are many wedding hairstyle options with a veil that you can wear on that special day for you and the love of your life. Each of these proposals that we have left you are special, you just have to choose the one that best suits you. I am sure that regardless of what you choose, you will be incredible. Need a little help choosing? Do you already know what hairstyle to wear but you can't decide on the veil? Request the help of our bridal advisor and get ready for the big day.
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Los zapatos de novia con los que querrás casarte este año
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  • Article author: Joan Jordi Vall-llobera Auladell
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The bridal shoes you'll want to get married in this year
It is true that the best bridal shoes are found under a fabulous dress, it is important that they reflect your personality and that, in addition, you feel comfortable with them, taking into account that you are going to dance, walk around the room and stand for several hours. That is why, the best thing to do is that once you choose the dress, you go for matching wedding shoes . Keep in mind that bridal heels are not an obligation. Now there are women who prefer bridal ankle boots or bridal wedges or even slippers, but we must not forget that the most important thing is comfort. At Odilia Bridal , we have all the wedding shoe models you can imagine, you just have to choose the best bridal shoes among them. In this selection we talk about different shoes in terms of color, heel and design. Go ahead, continue reading! What are the best bridal shoes? The best bridal shoes are those that match your personality and that also offer you the comfort you need at all times. Within our collection we can offer you: the ideal color At present, the trends in terms of colors in ceremony shoes have changed a lot. Now brides go beyond the typical party shoes in a natural white tone, and choose bridal shoes in soft pink, blue, wine, gold, silver and some even go for black to contrast with the dress. and the veil Also, it is a good option to choose something totally different from the traditional and choose some wedding shoes in a bright color. Gem tones like emerald or ruby ​​add a unique touch of style to the dress. If you make a good choice, among the best bridal shoes , you can use them even after the wedding to complete your look at a special event. Choose your favorite model If there is something that is renewed every season, it is precisely the shoes. Some guests will downplay this accessory, but I assure you that the women will pay attention to whether you are wearing the best bridal shoes or not. Some of the most sought after models in our bridal shoe store are: Peeptoes : The heel with the platform is a model that manages to stylize the figure of the woman and at the same time it is about comfortable bridal shoes . We can get these shoes in many designs and different colors. The most common among brides are satin and satin. Ankle boots : The most fashionable option among brides. We can see them as bridal shoes with lace , satin or leather. These are the perfect shoes if you want to mix the modern with the casual. In addition, they offer great comfort and are the best bridal shoes for those who are not used to them. Wedges : They are the best bridal shoes for dance time, with them you will be able to enjoy the entire party without being annoying or hurting you. It is a very comfortable shoe model. They are perfect for weddings that take place on the coast in summer or even in gardens, or for those brides who are not used to wearing heels. With them you will give everything you have until the end of the party. In some bridal shoe brands , other models are included, such as velvet, patent leather, glitter or with metallic effects for the most demanding brides. As the wedding is one of the experiences in life, the ideal is to have the best bridal shoes , the model that best suits your personality and according to your style. What are the best bridal shoes for me? When we talk about the best bridal shoes , we must remember that these are the support of the entire look that you will wear that day, so one of the most important points when choosing it is that they are comfortable . Keep the following recommendations in mind when choosing bridal shoes: You can choose the best bridal shoes with high heels, medium heels, low heels or you can even choose flat shoes if that is what you want. You can also get them with a thin or thick heel, with an internal or external platform. Choose the one that best suits your look and fits your dress and your party. Remember that the best bridal shoes are those that are in tune with the style of the wedding and with your look. Also keep in mind that the heel you use will depend on the height of your partner and if you are used to heels or not. If you are one of those who is looking for the best bridal shoes with a more daring style, there is nothing better than deciding on shoes in pink, light blue or even a more intense tone, such as red or garnet. If you want to highlight your bridal look, we recommend buying bridal shoes in metallic tones or with rhinestones that go with your tiara or headband . Always think about the use that you are going to give the shoes, since your choice will also depend on it. That is, if you want shoes only for the formal part or, if you prefer, ones that you can use throughout the celebration. Some brides buy some shoes for the ceremony and others for the party, but this will only depend on you. Shoes can make the wedding day wonderful, so choosing the best bridal shoes should not only match your dress, but also offer you convenience and comfort at all times. And you, still do not know which are the best bridal shoes for you? Contact Odilia Bridal or write to WhatsApp 627 23 25 76 and our bridal advisors will help you choose the perfect bridal shoes for you.
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5 modelos de tacón súper cómodos para tu boda
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  • Article author: Joan Jordi Vall-llobera Auladell
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5 super comfortable heel models for your wedding
Getting comfortable medium-heeled shoes will depend on various factors. More than anything, because it is related to whether or not the bride knows how to walk with them. If we refer to those brides who are used to flat shoes and even to always wear sports shoes as daily shoes , it will be a bit painful to have to wear very high-heeled wedding shoes . For this reason, at Odilia Bridal we bring you some recommendations so that you can wear comfortable medium-heeled shoes on your wedding day. Comfortable medium-heeled shoe models Within the comfortable medium-heeled shoes we have some outstanding models, which adapt to the tastes in reference to bridal shoes . Let's see what they are: 1. Wide heel The wider the heel, the shoes will be comfortable for all types of feet. It is not the same as going for a walk in unstable stilettos that you are not used to, than walking in comfortable medium-heeled shoes with a wide heel that offers greater comfort. With this type of mid-heeled shoes, the weight of the body is better distributed and the elegance of the heels is maintained without compromising comfort. It is true that if they are retro shoes , they do not have to stop being modern. This model of heel is characteristic of the 60s and the discos of the 70s, and they have made a strong comeback today, but with a more modern twist. We can get these shoes for women in the form of peep toes, with ribbons, straps and a lot of shine. Until now they had not been placed in the bridal shoe trends, however, they have become the fashion surprise. They are perfect for modern and stylish brides who want to make a difference with their look. 2. Comfortable rounded toe mid-heeled shoes Comfortable mid-heeled shoes that have a rounded toe offer more room and comfort for your toes. For that reason, walking with them is much easier, and they are also the best alternative to wearing heels without pain. Since these types of comfortable mid-heeled shoes don't widen out as much as square ones do, they are more comfortable to be worn for many hours. If we opt for a women's shoe model that has a platform at the toe, we will achieve greater styling. You can buy shoes in this style if you want a classic look, but one that is not traditional. You can choose some models with ribbons or straps. 3. Ankle boots Mid-heeled sandals are very comfortable, they hold the foot perfectly. It is one of the best comfortable mid-heeled shoes , and we can get them in models with an open front, with ribbons or straps that provide greater styling without losing comfort. 4. Wide-heeled boots The boots are also comfortable medium-heeled shoes that attract many of the brides' attention. Not only are they super comfortable, but they also offer greater foot stability. If we get them with an oval toe, they are perfect, this model facilitates the movement of the fingers without chafing, and the ankle is much more comfortable. There are many brides who prefer to wear ankle boots on the wedding day, even more so when the theme is country-style. In case you wear a bohemian style dress, you can accompany it with some flower crowns and these comfortable medium-heeled shoes , the look will be perfect. These ankle boots will draw attention to your style, but don't worry, you will surely make a good impression. Of course, this model of comfortable medium-heeled shoes does not look very good with traditional dresses or with a short dress, so you have to think carefully about what type of dress you are going to wear. 5. Square heel Comfortable mid-heeled shoes that have a square heel are very fashionable today. In addition, the bride will be able to spend the whole day with them without hardly noticing the heels. In general, these are thick square heels, which you will find in our online shoe store in different heights. The comfort and versatility of this model has made it one of the most popular among brides. The shape of these mid-heeled shoes makes them the perfect complement to any type of wedding dress. In addition, they are perfect to be used in outdoor weddings, since you can walk with them very easily and comfortably. These shoe models can also be used after the wedding, whether it's special meetings or you want to accompany them with a party dress. Comfortable mid-heeled shoes that have a square heel offer greater security for women who are not used to very high heels. Also with them the ankle does not get tired. Can I find mid-heeled shoes that are pretty as well as comfortable? Of course. You just have to look at online shoe stores like Odilia Bridal, where they have comfortable medium-heeled shoes with exclusive designs that suit all tastes. You just have to access the Bridal Shoes section. Recommendations for choosing your bridal shoes: Look for shoes that have a rounded instep, in this way you guarantee that you will have adequate space for all your fingers; You can also opt for an online shoe of one more number; to which you can place a non-slip gel pad so that you are more comfortable and the foot does not go forward; Comfortable mid-heeled pumps with a rounded toe are perfect for brides with slightly large feet. If you still have any questions, contact us through our website or by phone. We'll be waiting for you! Without a doubt, comfortable medium-heeled shoes have returned with great force and to stay for a long time due to their great benefits . If you have questions about the model that best suits your foot and the style of your wedding, you can contact the bridal advisors 24 hours a day via WhatsApp.
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Las 7 tendencias en zapatos de novias para este verano
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  • Article author: Joan Jordi Vall-llobera Auladell
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The 7 trends in bridal shoes for this summer
Bridal shoes are one of the essential accessories for all brides . Good shoes will make your dress look radiant on that special day. If you want to know which are the most demanded summer bridal shoes , we will tell you what are the trends of this season below. Some summer shoes should stand out for comfort and elegant design. Let's see what we have in Odilia Bridal . Be sure to see our trends that, in addition to being varied, are very strong. Continue reading if you are getting married this year! Best trends in bridal shoes for summer And who said that online bridal shoes are not a good option? Now, the options to buy shoes have varied a lot and you can have them in your hands in a comfortable and simple way, in a really short time. Here we are going to know which are the best bridal shoes for summer , the choice will depend on your own style and the type of wedding you are going to celebrate. Pale pink / nude shoes It is a tone that can be confused with the color of the skin, these women's shoes make the leg look more stylized. This tone is perfect to combine with any type of dress. Within summer bridal shoes today, brides are opting for pinker tones, leaving white shoes aside. These fashionable shoes look perfect with minimalist or princess dresses. Nude is one of the colors of fashionable shoes , within the range of summer bridal shoes , which is why it is a great success for weddings this season. Choose from all the models that Odilia offers you: the best nude-colored shoes. Click on the image and discover all our pale pink or nude models of summer bridal shoes bright colored shoes Within the summer bridal shoes , bright colors reign. Buying colored shoes is the best way to keep your favorite color in mind on that special day. We are talking about pink, red and lavender wedding shoes that are perfect for themed weddings ; You can also opt for light blue, silver tones or golden shoes if it is a more romantic wedding. On the other hand, for modern weddings, shoes are used in electric blue, fuchsia and even purple tones. You can get these colors in our shoe store , among many others, we have a wide variety of original shoes . Do not miss the opportunity to discover our most original shoes: click on the image. Shiny shoes. Shiny materials, crystals and gemstones are also very present in summer bridal shoes . They are ideal for the most glamorous, princess and avant-garde brides. If these materials are accompanied by light tones, they will be perfect for vintage-style brides. All our shoes shine with their own light, these more. shiny shoes Shoes online with diamonds are very stylish and are also very elegant. Also, these shiny shoes can be worn on your wedding day, as well as on another special occasion where you want to dazzle your guests. In ivory tones and with gold straps, they will give shine and exclusivity to your look. Stand out on your wedding day with these summer bridal shoes. shoes with lace Lace will always be present in shoe sales . Currently, you will find different types of footwear , in which the lace is in the entire shoe or only in certain parts of it. If we continue talking about summer bridal shoes with lace, the bride's foot will be further refined, which makes walking lighter, thanks to the fact that they are comfortable shoes . Lace is also perfect in nude tones. Lace shoes can be accompanied by pompoms, fringes and even some ribbons, which makes it have a more delicate and refined effect in its flatter or thinner versions. Become the most distinguished bride this summer with lace shoes. embellished shoes The shoes with decorations are the ones that we see that are accompanied by bows, rhinestones, flowers and even sequins. These summer bridal shoes are one of the best options for seasonal brides. Perfect for brides who want to dazzle even more on this special day. Bring detail and pampering on your feet. At your wedding you will take care of even the smallest detail . square heel shoes These summer bridal shoes are super comfortable to walk on. If you choose sandals attached to the ankle in our online shoe store , you will have very chic footwear. The thick-heeled shoe is a trend, as well as being the best option for weddings in various settings, such as asphalt, grass or the countryside. They are perfect for brides who want to wear heels but are not used to them. Elegance and style without giving up comfort. Are they made for you? Ballerinas or wedges If you are one of those types of brides with a hippie trend and who are also going to wear dresses with handmade details, such as crochet, this option is perfect for you. These summer bridal shoes can be worn no matter where the event is held. If you celebrate your wedding in the countryside or on the beach, the heel will no longer be a concern for you. Ballerina shoes go with any type of dress. They are very comfortable shoes that adapt to different types or models of wedding dresses. In addition, you can take advantage of them for any other event. Wedge wedding shoes are very elegant, you can wear them with any style of dress, and also thanks to the wedge they are comfortable shoes for this big day. The insole of this type of shoe contains a built-in padding that provides total comfort at the wedding. In case you don't feel that they are the right ones for the ceremony, you can use them as a second shoe for the party. Comfort, style and bohemian design. Perfect for the wedding and the after party. In our store, you will find the best shoes for summer brides . It does not matter that you are looking for shoes that are comfortable and of the best quality, here we have the shoe of your dreams. We guarantee free shipping, in the size you need, with special insoles that have hidden padding, you can also get them in the colors you want. And if you don't know which one to choose and you want us to give you advice, don't hesitate to contact us . Or you can also write to us by WhatsApp at 627 23 25 76, where we will give you all the advice you need to choose the best bridal shoes for summer .
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Tips para superar la mañana de tu boda
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  • Article author: Joan Jordi Vall-llobera Auladell
  • Article comments count: 0
Tips to overcome the morning of your wedding
Tips to overcome the morning of your wedding Moments before Carla Barber's "Yes, I do", where we give you ideas on how to celebrate your wedding since you are preparing for your big day. The preparation of the bride on her wedding day The day of the wedding has arrived and it is the perfect moment to relax and start enjoying that day; our dear girlfriend Carla chose a beautiful house in Las Palmas to relax and get ready with her family. These moments are very important since they are the ones before the wedding, and you must be surrounded by the best company, so at this moment, while you are at home, what better way than to be surrounded by your parents, siblings, and a relative with that you have a special relationship. One has to be relaxed and happy while getting ready for the big day, so comfort is essential while you do your hair and makeup. Carla chose her mother, sister and cousin for this moment, they were also the protagonists of this precious previous moment, and they helped her dress and get ready. Meanwhile, stylist David Deibis was grooming her, she was wearing the Pure Love Bridal Gown to get ready for her big day. In case you want to take a look at the robe Carla wore, you can see it below Pure Love bridal gown It is the classic bridal gown with transparent lace details on the sleeves to give it that elegant touch when you are putting on your makeup and preparing for your wedding day, while taking wonderful photos as a bride! Unique moments before the wedding While you're getting your makeup done, you realize that things are already starting to take shape, so it's time for fun; you have to get all the stress you have inside and what better way to start with the photos. A few photos before putting on the dress is the best way to forget what is happening; as Carla did, she posed beautifully in her robe and the accessories she was wearing for that wonderful day. Here we leave you some bridal photo ideas that she took, and you could do them in your own style on your wedding day. Holding the rings that she and her now husband Camilo will wear A beautiful pose to show off her bridal shoes, ideal for her big day And another photo with the jewels of his family, his objects of family tradition After having moments for her, it's time for that moment for the girls! Yes, she is that friend who helps you with everything, your sister, your mother, your cousin... They are the ones who accompanied Carla when it came to getting ready, the women in her life. For this reason, she gave them three other gowns, which are the Pure Love bridal gown , so that they would know that they are also important that day. These are unique moments that you spend having fun with your girls! Here you can see other ideas on how to pose with your bridesmaids on the morning of your wedding day, while you get ready.                                    They had a great time while they all got ready, they wore the same style of gown, white satin, but without the embroidery on the sleeves, if you want to take a look, it is the Pure Love Bridal Gown . Pure Love bridal gown It is the classic robe that you can give to the women who are going to accompany you on that wonderful day while you all get ready and get ready for your wedding day. Together with a few glasses of cava, it will be an unforgettable moment and there will be some hilarious photos. Yes, I love her! I leave you with a few moments on video , in which Carla looked spectacular in her robe, and with which she enjoyed with her family, moments before one of the happiest days of her life. She shared it all through her Instagram, which she is very active with, and let us all witness her big day. Moments before Carla Barber's wedding In this video we show moments before the dreamed fairy tale wedding of Dr. Carla Barber with Dr. Camilo Esquivel. These images show the moments when she received the gown, the little things that came inside, and her intimate moments while she was getting ready for the wedding. Carla and her family in their bridal gowns In this other video we show moments before Carla's dream fairy tale wedding. Here she is with the women in her life, having fun with her bridesmaids, moments before her wedding, one of the happiest days of her life. Gift check list for your wedding day After spending so much time preparing your big day, planning every moment down to the last detail, you cannot forget that the morning of your wedding day is just as important as the rest of the day, so it is very easy to be a nervous wreck. during the morning while you get ready to dress as a bride. There are several factors that you have to take into account during that morning so that one of the most important days of your life turns out perfectly. For this reason, I wanted to give you a check list with the most important things you should do on your big day. It would be wonderful if you planned each moment taking into account this series of steps that we detail in the infographic, so you can enjoy your B-day to the fullest, since it will be one of the most beautiful experiences of your life. Here is your gift, a check list with the details that you have to do on your big day: <div class='mailmunch-forms-widget-689958'></div> With lots of love, odilia Tips to overcome the morning of your wedding Moments before Carla Barber's "Yes, I do", where we give you ideas on how to celebrate your wedding since you are preparing for your big day. The preparation of the bride on her wedding day The day of the wedding has arrived and it is the perfect moment to relax and start enjoying that day; our dear girlfriend Carla chose a beautiful house in Las Palmas to relax and get ready with her family. These moments are very important since they are the ones before the wedding, and you must be surrounded by the best company, so at this moment, while you are at home, what better way than to be surrounded by your parents, siblings, and a relative with that you have a special relationship. One has to be relaxed and happy while getting ready for the big day, so comfort is essential while you do your hair and makeup. Carla chose her mother, sister and cousin for this moment, they were also the protagonists of this precious previous moment, and they helped her dress and get ready. Meanwhile, stylist David Deibis was grooming her, she was wearing the Pure Love Bridal Gown to get ready for her big day. In case you want to take a look at the robe Carla wore, you can see it below It is the classic bridal gown with transparent lace details on the sleeves to give it that elegant touch when you are putting on your makeup and preparing for your wedding day, while taking wonderful photos as a bride! Unique moments before the wedding While you're getting your makeup done, you realize that things are already starting to take shape, so it's time for fun; you have to get all the stress you have inside and what better way to start with the photos. A few photos before putting on the dress is the best way to forget what is happening; as Carla did, she posed beautifully in her robe and the accessories she was wearing for that wonderful day. Here we leave you some bridal photo ideas that she took, and you could do them in your own style on your wedding day. Holding the rings that she and her now husband Camilo will wear A beautiful pose to show off her bridal shoes, ideal for her big day And another photo with the jewels of his family, his objects of family tradition After having moments for her, it's time for that moment for the girls! Yes, she is that friend who helps you with everything, your sister, your mother, your cousin... They are the ones who accompanied Carla when it came to getting ready, the women in her life. For this reason, she gave them three other gowns, which are the Pure Love bridal gown , so that they would know that they are also important that day. These are unique moments that you spend having fun with your girls! Here you can see other ideas on how to pose with your bridesmaids on the morning of your wedding day, while you get ready.                                    They had a great time while they all got ready, they wore the same style of gown, white satin, but without the embroidery on the sleeves, if you want to take a look, it is the Pure Love Bridal Gown. Pure Love bridal gown It is the classic robe that you can give to the women who are going to accompany you on that wonderful day while you all get ready and get ready for your wedding day. Together with a few glasses of cava, it will be an unforgettable moment and there will be some hilarious photos. Yes, I love her! I leave you with a few moments on video, in which Carla looked spectacular in her robe, and with which she enjoyed with her family, moments before one of the happiest days of her life. She shared it all through her Instagram, which she is very active with, and let us all witness her big day. Moments before Carla Barber's wedding In this video we show moments before the dreamed fairy tale wedding of Dr. Carla Barber with Dr. Camilo Esquivel. These images show the moments when she received the gown, the little things that came inside, and her intimate moments while she was getting ready for the wedding. Carla and her family in their bridal gowns In this other video we show moments before Carla's dream fairytale wedding. Here she is with the women in her life, having fun with her bridesmaids, moments before her wedding, one of the happiest days of her life. Gift check list for your wedding day After spending so much time preparing your big day, planning every moment down to the last detail, you cannot forget that the morning of your wedding day is just as important as the rest of the day, so it is very easy to be a nervous wreck. during the morning while you get ready to dress as a bride. There are several factors that you have to take into account during that morning so that one of the most important days of your life turns out perfectly. For this reason, I wanted to give you a check list with the most important things you should do on your big day. It would be wonderful if you planned each moment taking into account this series of steps that we detail in the infographic, so you can enjoy your B-day to the fullest, since it will be one of the most beautiful experiences of your life. Here is your gift, a check list with the details that you have to do on your big day: <div class='mailmunch-forms-widget-689958'></div> With lots of love, odilia
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Check list para la organización de la boda
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  • Article author: Odilia Pamela García
  • Article comments count: 2
Check list for the organization of the wedding
 To-do list for my wedding A check list that will help you start organizing your wedding! Many of us, after being asked that wonderful question... will you marry me?... get nervous because we don't know where to start with the organization of the wedding or it can also happen that you don't know if you really you have everything under control. All this increases when the family comes and asks you: "How are the wedding preparations going? Do you already have everything? There's very little left, eh!" And we, the most calm in the world, respond doubtfully trying to give a positive affirmation, but inside thinking... So if this is your case or you just want to make sure you're on the right track, I invite you to download this check list with the wedding to-do list. This is the best way to be calm and sure that you remember all the pending things for your B-day. Here is your check list, and any questions, we will always be there for you on our WhatsApp 627232576.
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